novembre 01, 2011

sobre mi.

A number: 8
A song: It's difficult to choose only one, but I'm thinking right now in: 18 till i die by Bryan Adams. 
Musicians: Bryan Adams, Sting, phil collins, Steve Wonder too.One day, any day of May cause is the best month for me.A place or two: Liverpool and Florence.An animal: dogfavorite Language for listening: Italian.hobbies: photography, history, art.A country: EnglandA letter: YA symbol: infinity ∞.A beverage: tea or coffee.sports: soccer, cycling, running, tennis...Actors: Daniel Craig, and Bruce Willis.A group of music: the beatles.a musician: Bryan Adams.A moment: 25th May final 2005.champions istambulSomething expected:. Many things hoped for.A film: La vida es bella"Wishes: peace; love; smiles.An object: I'm not a materialistic person. ;)Something that always with you: the anthem of LFC: YNWA.A secret place: si es secreto y lo digo, deja de ser secreto. capisci?
Idols? I admire anyone who is happy with what he does.A painting: only one? thats so difficult, but, Its good, its good,...  "The Surrender of Breda" by Velázquez.An addiction, ambition, the constant obsession with something.Before and After: The non-self-university and university (the so-called Bologna Process).Incredible thing: to smile at people around me when they are in bad times. (I like to steal smiles) :DSomething of value: people who are beside me.A special gift: i don noChildhood memory: to draw, nd to play with my big cousin.A Name: StevieSomething that never fails: una sonrisa, y las ganas de mejorar  :DI hate: I think this word is a little strong, so nothing.
A writer: Arturo Perez-Reverte.

A journalist:!/tonybarrettimesA book: I have a lot of books. but I would say any book by Perez-ReverteOne phrase: "Siempre es posible"one phrase in another language: "Chi va piano, pianísimo, va lontano", so.. piano, piano...
Something dreamed: many things;Hobbies: order, perfection can become a mania.Weak points: I think none.(ask to the people who know me very well,)A lyric: everything i do, i do it for you. and "this side of paradise" of bryan adams.singers: bryan adams, sting, phill collins, ringo starr, Paul mcCartney, dani martin...
Something to do: pasar satisfactoriamente la uni, y seguir haciendo lo que me gusta. ese es el objetivo. 

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